Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Building a Rails API

What is an API ?

An API defines an abstraction layer for software services and resources.  The API describes the rules and the expected behavior so that the service or resource can be accessed as a black box, without a need to understand the details of how it is implemented.

So here are a few tips on how to build a Rails API :


One of the best ways to maintain a good API code is to keep it independent from the rest of the controllers by moving it to app/controllers/api/ folder and name-spacing it.


  namespace :api do
    # End User APIs
    resource  :users, only: :index

You can also use comments to give more idea about who's going to use your api.

So here we go!

module Api
  class UsersController < ApiController
     #insert some code


It is always advisable that a publicly available API should never be modified except for bug fixes because making any alteration would break client applications using APIs .So one of the best ways to tackle this would be introduce versioning.


  namespace :api do
    namespace :v1 do
      resource  :users, only: :index


module Api
  module v1
    class UsersController < ApiController
       #insert some code

Introducing a second versioning would be as simple as 

  namespace :api do
    namespace :v1 do
      resource  :users, only: :index

     namespace :v2 do
      resource  :users, only: :index

With comprehensive test coverage, backwards compatibility can be ensured. 


A base API controller is useful to handle authentication and extract common API  functionality.So here EndUserApiController takes care of our authorisation logic and UsersController makes use of this base API to handle authentication.

module Api
  module v1
    class UsersController <  EndUserApiController 
       #insert some code


class EndUserApiController < ApplicationController
  include Authorizable
  before_filter :authorize_user!

  def authorize_user!
    #insert your authorisation logic here

Rendering Response

The most commonly used rendering responses are XML and JSON. JSON being more popular than XML because of its simpler syntax, faster both in parsing and due to small size transmission over net and is widely supported by most of the languages. 

module Api
  module v1
    class UsersController < ApiController
        def index
          render json: { users:  users }

           def users
              User.all.map do |user|
                 { username: user.name, role: user.role }

 HTTP Status Codes

Response from an API is only complete with correct HTTP response code.It is always advisable to 
return status codes which make sense. You can also use symbols instead of numbers so instead of status: 200 you can status: :ok which makes the code more readable.

However there is an exception to this - If an AP user does not have access privileges instead of returning 401(unauthorised) you could trick the user by returning 
404(not_found) so as to misguide the attacker about the existence of such an object.

So now we have something like this:

module Api
  module v1
    class UsersController < ApiController
        def index
          render json: { users:  users }, status: :ok

           def users
              User.all.map do |user|
                 { username: user.name, role: user.role }


Controller level tests are usually written to test an API wherein the response body is compared with the expected end result.This is however no different from our normal controller tests except that
we need to frame up the JSON response body before we do any comparison.


require 'spec_helper'

describe Api::UserController do
  describe '#index' do
    let(:token) { user.authentication_token }
    let(:json) { JSON.parse(response.body) }
    let!(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
    let!(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:buyer_user)  }

    it 'returns a list of associated dealerships' do
      get :index, auth_token: token, format: :json
      expect(json['users']).to eql [
        {"username": user.name, "role": user.role},
        {"username": user.name, "role": user.role}


Documenting the API is another important task.One should make sure the following points are included in your documentation

  • a short one-liner description of the api
  • list of required and optional parameters that can be passed to the method
  • possible response codes and format of response
  • sample calls

module Api
  class UsersController < EndUserApiController
    respond_to :json

    # Get a listing of a users
    # @resource /api/users
    # @action GET
    # @required [String] auth_token
    # @example_request
    #   ```json
    #   {
    #     "auth_token": "ASZNfqL4kFFMezw6xTW5"
    #   }
    #   ```
    # @example_response
    #   ```json
    #   {
    #     "users": [
    #       {"username": "Sithu", "role": "Technical Assistant"},
    #       {"username": "Kiran", "role": "Technical Head"}
    #     ]
    #   }
    #   ```
        def index
          render json: { users:  users }

          def users
             User.all.map do |user|
                 { username: user.name, role: user.role }

So, with this we have covered the basic concepts to keep in mind for building a third party api in an existing Rails application.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Decorators And Presenters In Rails

  Decorators And Presenters In Rails 

Stuffing ALL THE THINGS into view templates is a pain for front end developersis error proneviolates the DRY principle and is difficult to test.

What would be the solution ?
* Helpers
* Decorators
* Presenters
..many more design patterns ..

Helper is very familiar among Rails Community and needs no introduction.But a question that comes to mind is Why do we need decorators when we have HELPERS ?
  Aside from not being very object oriented, helpers have a host of problems related to their global availability. Helpers should be avoided if they are specifically tied to a single model.Meaning to say use helpers only when there are concepts which affect the presentation logic across the application.

In Rails4 all methods inside helper directory are available to all views by default, isn't that a problem ?


module ApplicationHelper
  def back_button(options = {})
    link_to t('forms.back'), :back, class: 'btn'

module BlogHelper
  def published_at(blog)
    if blog && blog.published_at.present?
     "Posted: #{blog.published_at.strftime('%m, %d, %y')}"
and can be accessed using <%= published_at(blog_object ) %>

The back_button in ApplicationHelper is a presentation logic which is required across the app and is apt to be put in the helper. However we wouldn't need the formatted Blog#publised_at in all our views.So this calls for a DECORATOR !

Decorator Pattern is a design pattern that is used to extend the functionality of a specific object by wrapping it, without affecting the behaviour of other objects from the same class.
Decorators stand between the model and the view.The decorator object will know of the model and have access to the view’s helper method.Decorators works a great solution for model based presentation code.

Draper is a popular rails decorator gem.For more information DIG IN.


class BlogDecorator < Draper:Decorator def published_at "Published #{object.published_at.strftime('%A, %B %e')}" end end

def show
@blog = Blog.find(params[:id]).decorate end
<%= @blog.published_at %>
As you can see, the decorator pattern is a very good example of the Open-Close-Principle (OCP) which states that an class is closed to modification but open to extension. One thing to note here is that the unlike helpers the formatted published_at  will be available only to the blog objects.

Now let's move on to Presenters. Presenter is  a form of decorator. Then what would be the difference between a decorator and a presenter.

Presenter design pattern  is a way of simplifying controller logic by extracting it out into its own class which has one or more methods. 

Presenters make it easier to test controller logic by usually transforming each assigned instance variable in a controller action into its own method within the presenter class. Anytime you see a controller action which has many instances variables, it needs to be refactored to use a presenter.

The main difference between the two is that a decorator pattern is a composing operation whereas the presenter pattern is a decomposing operation.


class BlogsController < ApplicationController def show  
blog = Blog.find(params[:id]) @blog = blog.decorate
@author = blog.author.decorate
@contributions = @author.contributions.decorate
@followers = @blog.followers.decorate end
So now can see you controllers growing making it difficult to test and maintain.Now this calls for a PRESENTER !

Presenters are simply Plain Old Ruby Objects(PORO) with the help of which you can clean up this messy code.


class BlogPresenter

 def initialize(blog_id)
   @blog = Blog.find(blog_id)

 def decorated_blog
   @decorated_blog ||= @blog.decorate

 def author
   @author ||= @blog.author.decorate

 def contributions
   @contributions ||= @author.contributions.decorate

 def followers
   @followers ||= @author.followers.decorate
class BlogsController < ApplicationController def show   @presenter = BlogPresenter.new(params[:id]) end end
and can be accessed using <%= @presenter.author %> 

So in this way we could decompose the controller actions and maintain a clean code base.

Finally the PROS in using  Presenters & Decorators 

- More maintainable and clean codebase
- Clarity
- Easy to Write Tests